The activities were pretty useful, and the videos were interesting as well. The blog was a great way to express ourselves, but some of us would not write a thing. I feel that I learnt a lot this term, in terms of grammar, speaking, and listening. The teacher was punctual and she prepared her classes beforehand, the only problems we had were caused by the TIC’s, and the lack of attention.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Life is too short for the wrong job...
Nobody said life would be easy, we have to move if we want to survive. Money, help us enormously on that labor, and the legal way we can get it is working. However, there are jobs that people really hate but, there are no options when money is needed. Happiness, money and work sometimes are not related at all.
To begin with, you can stay in a job that live up to your expectations but you are not well-paid. For instance, if you are a secretary and you are very comfortable working as one, you have it clearly that you are not going to earn much money, because it is not considered as a hard job.
What is more, some jobs like builders, buss drivers, cleaners, etc. are bad paid, also disgusting. Those jobs are extremely exhausting and hard, and people who work as one of them is due to they do not have chances to get a better job. They are unhappy and bad paid; such a horrible combination.
If I had to choose a job, meaning that I really like it and I would receive good money there, I would choose working as a singer. Even if you have to be sort of famous to be successful, I would enjoy it being well known or not, anyway, and I know that I could make some money everywhere. Well, that what I think now, but in general, a happy work is the one that you feel comfortable no matter what this job is. That is a satisfying job for me: the one that you do putting your whole life on it.
I do not really know anybody that feels comfortable on his/her job, but I know somebody that is doing something that really love and feel very happy about it, also this person does not earn money with this job but, it does not matter. This person is my mom, who has worked as a housewife her whole life XD .
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Bluest Eye
by Toni Morrison
Nowadays, people seem to be pretty concern about appearance. Most of people think of beauty like the most important thing in their lives. However, beauty is subjective, and that is the point that the book’s author, Toni Morrison, wanted to show us in The Bluest Eye, and that is what I believe as well.
To begin with, beauty is such a subjective perception; it all depends on the person point of view. For instance, there are many people in the world that think of beauty as the good actions a person can do such as: taking care of homeless people, protecting vulnerable children, defending human and animal rights to name a few, and they are actions that go beyond having a pretty face.
Moreover, being good looking does not make you a better person. For instance, it does not matter if you are kind of pretty or not to help someone in a hurry, or just help him/her with problems that he/she could have. Besides, beauty is not a symbol of a benevolent person, there are a lot of cases that quite handsome man or gorgeous woman are the most common criminals in movies and real life.
On the other hand, it is kind of a fact that people good looking can get a job easily than plain people. For instance, most of jobs that need people working as receptionists or promoters, they ask for a CV with a photograph on it in order to accept or not the person who is applying for the job. Pretty faces, sell more than anyone.
To sum up, even though beauty is a relevant issue for people nowadays, we do have to understand that is very subjective. May be you could have higher chances to get a job if you are pretty, but it doest not make you a better person.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The Educator's best Friend :)
I found out a web page called “Education World® The Educator’s Best friend”, an amazing website directed especially to teachers where they can find many information about how planning lessons, school issues, educational material, market places, school notes and helpful websites and articles about education. I found it really interesting because this web page is quite complete in every sense; it has material to print, weekly surveys, articles and more.
One of the articles that the website recommends is about: why tests help kids learn. The article says that it’s proved that kids learn more during test-taking than during studying alone, and they cannot avoid tests because of that fact. This happens mainly due to the capacity of the brain to encode more information when they are studying to tests. Most of students think of tests as a nightmare, but they don’t realize that the more they reread the subjects the more they learn…
My favourite web site is YouTube, I visit it every day everytime. I found it years ago, when I was looking for some information for a homework and I could not stop revisiting it. It such a great page, I have an account and I uploaded a pair of videos...
My favourite web site is YouTube, I visit it every day everytime. I found it years ago, when I was looking for some information for a homework and I could not stop revisiting it. It such a great page, I have an account and I uploaded a pair of videos...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Making the Difference...
It seems to me that nowadays it is quite hard to make a difference in every sense, since everyone and everything is just an imitation of another one or thing. Starting with our nation, it is a sort of imitation of Europe, what is more, we have started to acquire some North American traditions; little by little we are losing our origins. For that reason, I think that change some things we don’t believe they are correct, it is very very difficult, for we have those deep-rooted customs. Although, there are some people who try restless to do something to change the processes that life are taking and they strongly believe they could be eradicated or in other cases improved, such as the treat we have with our indigenous people. After of watching the video I could realize about something: we do need some creative, attractive, and originals ways to make a difference. I mean, in the video the man who was talking, related all the procedures they did to try promoting consciousness in people about the family planning in Thailand, and I think that they were pretty good activities, very originals, also attractants. Even though, it seems to be made by a small group of people, they really made a difference in the place, promoting contraceptives, particularly the condom, among families, children, teachers, everyone, and everywhere. And that’s because they knew how to get to the people with some procedures that caught their attention, and that’s what we need in our country if we want to change something; more than being a huge group of people thinking alike, we need original ways to get to the people.
Just Like A Pill - Pink
The song that I’m listening to currently is one performed by Pink and it’s called “Just like a Pill”. When I heard this song for the first time some years ago, I immediately felt that it was a pretty good song, even if I didn’t understand a word of it. The melody stroked my attention the rhythm, and needless to say, the singer. I heard it with my brother and I saw him very keen on that song. Now I understand the reason, I can understand the lyrics now, and they are related to the life he had been carried with a person for a long time. I don’t know exactly the reason why I started to listen to this song at this moment, but it makes me feel quite nostalgic and sad in a very strange way. And I love it, is kind of weird, but I love to feel sad. However, my brother is having his best time now with a person who really complements him, and I’m happy as hell.
I'm lyin' here on the floor where you left me
I think I took too much
I'm crying here, what have you done?
I can't stay on your life support, there's a
shortage in the switch,
I can't stay on your morphine, cuz its making me itch
I said I tried to call the nurse again but shes
being a little bitch,
I think I'll get outta here, where I can
Run just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated fears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of makin' me better, you keep makin' me ill
You keep makin' me ill
I haven't moved from the spot where you left me
This must be a bad trip
All of the other pills, they were different
Maybe I should get some help.
Friday, October 1, 2010
BBC: Cemetery Living
I chose a piece of news that related how live a group of people from Manila’s port district which is one of the most densely populated places in the world, and it is settled in Philippines. This people do not have enough space to live there, for that reason they are forced to live in the cemetery surrounded by rubbish and the most disgusting conditions. Their houses are installed above the graves and the people there do not care about the conditions which they are exposed in terms of sanity and poverty. Even they do not care about the cemetery, children are not afraid of the bones and corpses they found. They are used to live that way, is the only life they know and they do not complain about it. I chose this piece of news because I connected it with the Mapuche people; they have similar conditions in terms of territory, the only difference is that Mapuche people were forced by human beings to reduce their space, and in Manila is just a geographical location matter. If you want to know more about Manila’s situation visit:
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Romeo and Juliet
822.33 S527r.E
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy wrote by William Shakespeare which tells the story of two young in love but, they cannot be together for they belong to opposite families that are rivals. However, they fight for their love until the death. The story takes place in Verona, where live two families who are rivals; the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo, the only heir of the Montagues, enters without being invited to a party of the Capulets in honor to the future marriage of the daughter of Capulet, and he meets Juliet, and she was his love at first sight. Knowing that their parents never allow their marriage, they marry in secret, with the help of Friar Laurence. The same day of the ceremony, a fight take place between Tybalt and Romeo and the Prince of Verona, who knowing the events, condemns Romeo to the exile or death. Romeo is desperate because he will be separated from Juliet, but Friar Laurence advises escape to Mantua. Romeo flees to Mantua after a last interview with Juliet. Count Paris, a relative of the prince, called Juliet's hand and she refuses his offer and asks for help to Friar Laurence, who advises her to accept the marriage and gives her a little bottle with an elixir that will plunge her into a cataleptic state, like death. Friar Laurence tells her to take it the night before the wedding and he promises her to be with her when she wakes up in the crypt of his family, together with Romeo. Friar sends a messenger to Romeo to come to Juliet at the time of the awakening. However, the messenger did not find Romeo because he was informed that Juliet was dead, and he comes immediately to Verona. Romeo arrives at the Capulet crypt meeting with Paris, which was to lay flowers to his wife. The Count was angry to see Romeo, and both fight winning Romeo who approached to Juliet to kisses her one last time and takes poison and died at the feet of his beloved. At that time, Friar Laurence arrives and he was frightened to see the bodies of Paris and Romeo. Juliet awakens and the Friar tries to convince her to flee with him, but she refuses at the moment she sees her husband dead. Friar Laurence goes out and Juliet approaches to Romeo and kisses him and she hurt herself with a knife of her husband, embracing his beloved dying. The guards take prisoner Friar Laurence and he reveals the truth to the Prince of Verona, the Montagues and the Capulets. With the death of Romeo and Juliet, they sealed the peace between two rival families.

Thursday, September 16, 2010
September 18th
I think that we died as nation from the day we kill our natives, because after that we were just a copy of another nation, Spain. Besides, sometimes people feel ashamed about being Latin American, for we are discriminated for being an undeveloped country. Native people suffered a lot, but that wasn’t the version teachers told us at schools. Natives were symbols of violence and ignorance, and they were killed about that, because they made the process of productiveness slower. I feel identify with them, because they wanted, want and will want to protect their territory and relatives as the same I want to do, even if other people will try to stop me. I’m not the kind of person who tries to stop someone’s dreams, but here in Chile that seems to be the hobby of majority. However, I must say that Chilean people could be pretty concern about people’s problem, only when an extreme situation happens, for example the earthquake and the miners. Those issues made us create a kind of union, a symbolic union in my opinion. Obviously, there are bad and good points. There are still people who are concern about others and help them whatever they want, people who you trust in, people who you feel as you are special in some way, and for that people I feel proud to be Chilean. “Chilean culture”? What’s that? We are such a copy, for we wanted to emulate some “better” nation which in my opinion is worse than the culture we had before. Racism, discrimination, competition… those are the words we added to our dictionary the day we let them enter here to change our lives with no return.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Edipo Rey
882.01 S681 o.E c.1
The book I read was called “Edipo Rey”, and it is called that way because Edipo is the main character of the whole story and he is called “Rey”, for he became king of a land. Edipo was born in Tebas, and he was the son of Tebas’ king and queen, but he was abandoned for his parents, since an oracle said to Tebas’ king that Edipo will kill him. However, Edipo lived with farmers and when he became older he went to look for his biological parents. On his road, he fought with a mass of people, among them was his father who was killed by Edipo; the prophecy came true. Then, Edipo arrived to Tebas and he destroyed a monster, and that is the reason why Tebas with no king chose Edipo to the throne. He became king of Tebas, he married her mother, and obviously they did not know that they were the same blood. Time passed, and they knew the truth and no one could stand it carrying them to a horrible tragedy; the queen commited suicide and Edipo got blind.
This tragedy was written by Sófocles, he makes his point in the books in terms of the believes that people had on that time, the importance that a king had in a territory, and the importance that religious or magical powers, as the oracles, had as well.
The main lesson of the story is, in my opinion, that even though we really want to change the course of the things we live daily, it is impossible, because our fate is written from the day we were born.
This is the part when you criticize me… xd
Thursday, August 26, 2010
HARRY POTTER and the chamber of secrets
823 R884hc 200 c.01
There are many relationships I could appreciate in the book. In the first place, the relationship which Harry has with his aunt, uncle and cousin is quite unkind. They make Harry’s life a constantly suffering due to the hatred they profess him. Likewise, Harry does not like them either, but he is not the kind of person that takes revenge, he just accepts everything, otherwise he would live as a homeless, even he prefer that than living with them. Nowadays, is pretty common that some families have this type of relation. In my case I constantly have argues with my parents, the people who I live, it does not mean that I do not like them as Harry does, but sometimes I accept all the prohibitions they give me just for I do not have any place to go. Second relationship I found in the book is the one Harry maintains with his teachers at Hogwarts. He has a wonderful treat with them, especially with the director who shows a truthful care of Harry. He helps Harry whatever he needs, also the director had saved him several times when harry had broken rules. This situation happens almost in every school, at least in my school happened. Teachers are not supposed to have any consideration with students, but in practice it is hard not to care about this. Since, often teachers have this kind of proximity with students who have great marks, even the ones who have low marks. At my school, I was one of those students. I had this teachers who always spoke to me when we have to do some activities to approve them, because she thought if I could do it, so could everyone. Nevertheless, my classmates always argued with me, for they had problems with some activities that I approved. That is a problem we will have to know well how to deal with. Another relationships present on the book is the one which Harry keeps with his eternal enemy. Even though, they want to kill each other, Harry is not in a non-stop searching for Voldemort, Harry’s enemy, as he does. There are fights in real life that are pretty similar to the enmity Harry and Voldemort have, but there are another ones who both sides are constantly waiting for the moment to start a fight. In my case, I dislike fighting, I have hard argues with my friends and family sometimes, but I have never confronted anyone physically, just once, when I was a child. It was pretty funny, though. And least but not last, the most important relationship presented in the book is friendship. Harry professed a real loyalty to his friends, he helped them everywhere, whenever and whatever. And his friends do exactly the same with him. Even Harry helps his friends’ relatives. Friendship nowadays, is such a luxury item for me, because real friends are quite hard to find, and when you do it, it is a gift everlasting, the most precious treasure you can acquire.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
This is me...
What stroked my attention the most was that in almost all the categories appeared nostalgic as one of my characteristics. Being nostalgic means that I love to revisiting places where I had been before with friends and family, also remembering memories with them too. The description says that I love nature; freedom for me is to be in a relaxing place, that is to say, in the nature like a wood, listening to music which transports me to those places. I truly think that all the descriptions are accurate except one or two things like being a competitive person, I do not agree on that.
After doing the test, I could realize that I was not seeing some important things about me that are pretty important. I was not concern about being a nostalgic person, but I thought of it and I really am a nostalgic person. I do not know if it is good or bad, but I truly love sharing my best memories with the people I love, but sometimes those memories make me feel a little bit sad, because I know I could never bring them back. I am such a sad person even if I do not show it. I prefer suffering in silence (emo xD). Anyway, I have lots of optimistic characteristics that I totally agree. I learnt the word COZY which means something comfortable and warm like a bed, ha-ha. The website is really good; it helps people a lot to realize that they are specials in some way.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Vacations sweet vacations
I really enjoyed my holidays. They were funny as hell. Even though there were days that I did not do anything at all, I had more days to spend doing the things I really wanted to do. One of those things was singing karaoke almost every Friday night. There is just one thing I did not do, and I feel pretty disappointed about that: Study. I went out a lot with my old school’s friends and university’s friends as well. We had a really good time together. Also I went to my friends’ houses to talk about our lives. My mother started to make a dress for me, for I want to participate in an event this year. So, in my holidays I had to get all the necessary items for it. I wish I could win the event…
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